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Quality is the most secure way to success

The company's management is pointing the way throughout a complete planning of manufacturing and control, steady control of the single production steps as well as the different ways of production are guaranteeing our customers a high level of quality..

Our 5-axle-motorized lathe and milling machine is allowing us to manufacture parts which are reaching high levely of production quality. Of course, we can supply to every part a suitable certificate of control.

Our employees are highly qualified due to continiuous education in the area of CNC techniques, tools technology, material consistence, optimized way of production as well as quality management.

Our product portofolio is fullfilling hihgest requests on quality, capacity, user-friendlyness and maintenance. Of course, regular investments in machines of the latest generation are neccessary in order to go on guaranteeing a high level of quality, economy and reliability.